IQ Medical operates in the sector of private health and conventionated marketing biomedical devices of high profile and offering integrated services with high added value . The activity is concentraded predominantly in the Lazio Region and is mainly oriented in the cardiological and surgical sector , of the garrison of large consume
In a sanitary scene which see the SSN in breathlessness in providing performances with effectiveness and reasonable time , IQ Medical has like obiectiv the improvement of efficiency and the reduction of the costs of Private Health making the services more usable for the population.
After years of experience spent in the cardiology and prosthetic sector, within which his skills grow and mature, a careful and profound market analysis pushes iQ Medical to develop the business by investing in the diversification of the offer and taking advantage of an important feature of the sector, the heterogeneity of medical devices. First a division dedicated to surgery is developed, subsequently the one aimed at healthcare facilities and finally, with the aim of fully satisfying all the needs of a healthcare facility, the division dedicated to services was created, geared to the needs of our customers, also embracing the three previous divisions.
By investing with determination in the private health sector, over the years iQ Medical has become the exclusive supplier of entire clinical specialties for some of the most important hospitals in the area.The existing agreements with the Structures give the company the role of single interlocutor for the supply of all specialty medical devices, making it the reference not only for the customer, which is entrusted with the entire management of supplies, but also for all suppliers who supply the main Roman operating rooms through the company.
From the simple supply of a medical device, to the more complex and demanding supply of services dedicated to biomedical equipment in the operating room, rather than to specialized consultancy services, the group aims to support the customer in many of the delicate management phases of the procurement of supplies.
The management of the supply and storage of devices and medical devices is one of the most critical activities for a small and medium-sized structure. This is often due to the inadequacy of the spaces and the high heterogeneity of the medical devices which does not allow the structure to be adequately organized and forces it to work urgently, with products that are not always ideal and with a high cost.
In this direction, integrated logistics services and customer care services have been developed, the strengths of our company. IQ Medical offers all Private and Affiliated Healthcare Facilities an efficient supply service and technological support of medical devices, eliminating the criticality of supply and storage, allowing the structure to operate with suitable devices and with reasonable costs, with the aims to improve procedural outcomes and reduce the costs incurred by the structure. The philosophy of our group has always been Customer Oriented, offering our customers a panel of high-level services and subverting what has always been the approach of competitors in the sector. Our offer is multibrand and multi-channel, studied and modulated on the needs of each client and aimed at providing the product that the clinical staff needs at the agreed costs and times.
With this in mind, iQ Medical has studied a UNI EN: ISO9001 certified process; customer requests are acquired and processed with extreme efficiency by the Customer Service and internal Logistics which, connected in real time, allow the fulfillment of requests in the territory in times often less than 120 minutes.
The entire procurement and storage process takes place at controlled temperatures and guarantees product traceability at all times, an essential element for the safety of our customers.
Our Organization
The organization of iQ Medical is a consequence of our corporate philosophy, flexible and with adequate sizing and operating tools. To guarantee a high standard of service, all our professionals come from the sector and have adequate and level training. All strategic roles are covered by Biomedical Engineers and Health Economists with important experience in the main multinationals in the sector.
iQ Medical S.r.l.
a socio unico
Via Anagnina, 491 – 00118 – Roma
Tel. +39 06/62291767
Fax +39 06/56561761
E-mail: info@iqmedical.it